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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Essay Paper 2011

Write an essay on any one of the following topics : 200 Marks

1. Creation of smaller states and the consequent administrative, economic and developmental implications.

2. Does Indian cinema shapes our popular culture or merely reflects it.

3. Credit based higher education system - status opportunities and challenges.

4. In the Indian context, both human intelligence and technical intelligence are crucial in combating terrorism.

Public Administration Paper 2 - UPSC Mains question 2011

1. Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words
each : 20x3=60
(a) “Over-dependence on bureaucracy for bringing about socioeconomic development in India has proved to be dysfunctional.” Comment.
(b) “The performance of Lok Ayuktas in various States has been uneven.” Comment with examples.
(c) Explain with appropriate illustrations the interface between political culture and bureaucratic culture in contemporary India.
2. (a) Discuss the evolution of the role of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) since independence. 30
(b) “Administrative reforms get diluted because of constant tinkering on the margin rather than a holistic transformation.”
Discuss the statement in the context of reforming district administration in India. 30
3. (a) Comment on the following statement: 30
“The Comptroller and Auditor-General (CAG) of India is a prosecutor with a law that hobbles its functioning, a judge without the power to sentence and a litigant with no right to
(b) “Indian federalism is passing through a state of potential maturity”. Discuss this statement in the context of the views of the Commission on Centre-State Relations (Justice M.M.
Punchi). 30
4. (a) “The theme of Police Reforms continues to haunt the Parliament.” In the light of this statement, discuss the state of Criminal Justice System administration in India. 30
(b) ‘Performance Appraisal Systems’ with special reference to the Performance Management and Evaluation System (PMES) are expected to transform the bureaucratic culture of Indian
administration. Do you agree? Give reasons. 30


5. Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words each : 20x3=60
(a) “The real problem of administrative reforms in India at the State and the local levels is that they are imposed from above.” Comment.
(b) Discuss the basic principles of ‘New Localism’ as a part of the global-local debate.
(c). “Absence of District Planning Committees in a large number of districts has prevented convergence of planning at the district level.”
Examine the above statement with examples.

6. (a) (i) “One Lok Pal, howsoever strong it may be, cannot eliminate corruption in the politico-administrative system in India.” Comment. 15
(ii) “Grievance redressal system is perhaps the weakest link in India’s civil service management.” Comment. 15
(b). “Community policing has become a victim of elite capture.” Discuss the concept of community policing and bring out the implications of the above statement. 30
7. (a) Can the holding company’s structure act as an institutional change to add to efficiency? Give your answer with appropriate illustrations. 30
(b). Examine the institutional vulnerability of municipal governance in the midst of an emerging spectre of multiple partnerships. 30
8. (a) (i) Identify the different conceptual categories of disasters. 15
(ii) Write a note on the new culture of disaster management. 15
(b). “Disaster insurance is desirable but not an easy proposition to implement.” Illustrate with suitable examples. 30

Friday, November 4, 2011

Public Administration Paper 1 - UPSC Mains Question paper 2011

1.Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words each:
20x3= 60
(a) 'A crisis of credibility' in the administrative system can be overcome only by 'reinventing government.' Comment.

(b) 'Media is a Parliament of citizens.' Explain.

(c) E-governance is the final arrival of Max Weber's 'iron cage of rationality'. Discuss.

2. (a) In the evolution of the discipline of Public Administration, Minnowbrook Conferences I, II and III reflect the discipline's reconceptualisation and its changing values.
Elucidate. 30

(b) Critically examine conflict resolution according to M.P.Follet. Explain how McGregor
took forward her ideas in the context of complex organizations. 30

3. (a) Whereas Down's model is largely dependent on a theory of psychological motivation,
Niskanen's model is framed by neoclassical thinking.
In the light of above, discuss the public choice approach to decision making. 30

(b) The Systems Approach is relevant even today for organizational analysis. Discuss
how Chester Barnard and David Easton adopted this approach in their respective
areas of study. 30

4. (a) Whereas 'value for money' audit aims at economy and 'performance' audit seeks
efficiency, 'social audit' goes beyond both, to examine the effectiveness of a
programme or activity.
Examine this statement with suitable illustrations. 30

(b) (i) Make a critical assessment of Dicey's understanding of the Rule of Law and
Droit Administratif. 15
(ii) Make out a case for Delegated Legislation. 15


5. Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words each: 20x3= 60

(a) 'Budget is a series of goals with price- tags attached.' Explain.

(b) 'Policy is being made as it is being administered and administered as it is being
made.' Comment.

(c) 'Position Classification can be problematic. A serious complaint in its practice is
that it dehumanizes the employee.' Discuss.

6. (a) Neither Edward Weidner nor Fred Riggs was able to describe the process of
development administration adequately. Explain the drawbacks and weaknesses
in their theoretical analyses. 30

(b) Indicate the milestones in the story of development from Nehruvian model to the
Liberalisation Model. 30

7. (a) Civi Servants must be social moralists in action, living unto Paul Appleby's dictum
that 'responsible government is ethical government'. Examine this statement in
the light of good governance. 30

(b) Critically examine the following statements in the field of Policy Sciences:
(i) The incrementalist paradigm posits a conservative tendency in public policy
making. 15
(ii) Dror's Optimal Model is a fusion of the economically rational model with the
extra-rational model. 15

8. (a) (i) What are the main functions of an O and M office ? 15

(ii) A system of information ties planning and control by managers to the
operational system of implementation. Elaborate. 15

(b) An administrator uses the budget as a framework for communication and
co-ordination, as well as for exercising administrative discipline throughout
the administrative structure. Explain. 30

Monday, October 31, 2011

How to get Domicile certificate - Maharashtra

I'm getting my domicile done (updated Oct 2011). it will take a total of two trips only, and NO MIDDLEMEN.

TRIP 1 :

1) Directly visit the tehsildar office. Location : near Navrang cinema. Andheri West. (you need NOT go to the Andheri east court at all.) Ask anyone on the road when in doubt.

2) Buy the application form for Rs. 45. This will contain questions about your whereabouts etc. Some questions are fairly amusing. Basically it's a simple questionnaire.

3) you need an affidavit ONLY in case your place of birth is not Maharashtra. This will cost Rs. 200 and you can get it done right there, from an advocate who sits right outside the tehsildar office itself. So apply for this affidavit in your first trip itself. Schedule to pick it up in your second trip (possible to get it the very next day)

TRIP 2 :

1) Take documents with you (originals + 1 attested photocopy each) -
  • ration card/passport
  • school + college degree certificates and leaving certificates
  • leaving certificates
  • electricity bills
  • birth certificate
  • domicile certificate of family members (optional)
along with your completed application form.

Submit everything. That's all.

(you can get it all attested near the office itself, from a lady there for 10 rs.)

They give you a receipt with the date on which you can collect the domicile from that same office. (this will be trip 3 to the place.)

If in doubt, you can always double-check this procedure in your first visit. The staff there are very helpful!
Everywhere, always consult official staff only, the middlemen confuse you. ( I got a lot of false procedures from them today)

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I happened to appear for the SIAC CET 2011, ie, the SIAC entrance exam, conducted by the Maharashtra state govt. (SIAC : State Institute for Administrative Careers)
During my prep I had hunted for SIAC entrance question papers before the test, but found none. (they take away the question paper after the test.) So, hope you find this useful.
The SIAC CET was held on Sunday, 16th October 2011. The test was VERY short in my opinion.
This was the paper pattern :
There were 90 questions in all.
Paper 1 : 50 questions each for 2 marks
Paper 2: 40 questions each worth 2.5 marks
Total : 200 marks
Time: 2 hours
Most people I think completed the paper well before time. 90 questions in 120 mins made for a very short paper.

These are some of the questions in paper 1, as far as I remember :

1. which of the following east flowing rivers flows through a rift valley due to down-warping?
a. Mahanadi b. Damodar c. Son d. Yamuna

2. Europe Day is on May __ :
a. 9 b. 18 c. 22 d. 29

3. Which of the following practices did Aurangzeb ban?
a. celebration of Naoroz
b. applying the tilak on foreheads of Rajas
c. practice of sighting emperors in mornings
d all of the above

4. Who among the following issued coins with his own image playing a veena impressioned on it?
a. Chandra gupta 1 b. Chandra gupta 2 c. Samudra gupta d. Skanda gupta

5. Which of the following is/are true of the gandhi-irwin pact?
I. it was agreed to suspend the civil disobedience movement
II. all political prisoners except those convicted of violence would be released

a. I only
b. II only
c. I and II
d. neither I nor II

6. (Something relating to King Devpal's place of rule)-
a. Nepal
b. Ceylone

7. Ashoka's empire did NOT include which one of the following :
a. Kabul
b. Assam
c. Bengal
d. Orissa

8. The edible part of a mango is :
a. endocarp
b. mesocarp
c. epicarp
d. receptacle

9. Electromagnetic waves travel through:
a. solids
b. liquids
c. vaccum
d. all of the above

10. Consider the following :
I. indira gandhi canal is on ghaggar
II. Nizam sagar is on river manjira

Which of the above is/are true?
a. I only, b. II only, c. I and II, d. neither

11. A transformer is used to -
a. decrease DC voltage
b. increase DC voltage
c. increase or decrease AC voltage
d. decrease AC voltage

12. According to census of India 2011,

I. Arunachal Pradesh is the least dense state
II. Population of Sikkim is the least
III. Density of West Bengal is highest
IV. The population of India is 1210193422

which combination of statements is true ? (i don't remember the option combinations exactly, these options are only illustrative)
a. I, II, III
b. I, III, IV
c. I, II, IV
d. II, III, IV

13. Which of the following decades (since 1921) added the least population in absolute numbers?
a. 1971-81
b. 1981-91
c. 1991-01
d. 2001-11

14. Who heads the national commission for population?
a. Home Minister
b. Prime Minister
c. ? d. ?

15. Arrange in chronological order -
a. Cripps Mission
b. Cabinet Mission
c. Wavel Plan
d. Quit India

16. About WTO, which one of the following is NOT true :

a. (a statement describing the WTO and GATT)
b. Dispute settlement body comprises economists whose verdict is binding upon the countries involved. (this is what i marked false, as the dispute settlement body is the general council itself)
c. WTO comprises 143 nations (wrong in the question - its 153 now), representing over 97% of world trade
d. ?

17. Green box subsidy does not include -
a. direct payment to producers
b.Private holding of food stocks
c. Govt investments in environmental protection and development programmes

18. June 3 plan refers to the plan by -
a. Wavell b. Mountbatten c.? d. ?

19. Which of the following is the correct descending order of fish production in the world?
a. Japan, India, China, US
b. China, Peru, India, Japan
c. India, China, US, Japan
d. ?

20. Portfolio system was introduced by which act ?
a. Govt of India Act 1885
b. Indian Councils Act 1861
c. Indian Councils Act 1892
d. Indian Councils Act 1909

21. who amongst the following got a philosophy book translated from sanskrit into persian ?
a. Iltutmish b. Balban c. Alauddin d. Firoz Shah

22. Who elects a country as a UN member?
a. UNSC b. UNGA c. ? d.?

23. Which of the following constitutes the largest among the Indian engineering goods segment?
a. Capital goods
b. Consumer goods
c. Engineering goods
d. Durable goods

24. Mini Pravasi Bharati Divas 2011 was held at :
a. Toronto
b. Johannesburg
c. ?
d. ?

25. Muscle fatigue is caused due to accumulation of which of the following ?
a. Pyruvic acid
b. Lactic acid
c. uric acid
d. ?

26. There was a match the following on some very basic articles
Column A Column B
Article 15
Article 16
Article 17
Article 21

27. A special majority is needed for which of the following bills?
a. Constitution amendment bill
b. money bill
c. Finance bill
d. ordinary bill

28. A question on percentage/proportion of NPK fertilizers being imported/ produced locally. I don't remember the percentages. you had to choose the true figure statement.

29. Which of the following articles represent special powers of the Rajya Sabha?
Article 61 Article 67 Article 246
(options represented some combination of these)


Disclaimers! -
please note that some of the options, especially combinations, are representative. I mean that wherever I couldn't remember every question's option accurately, I've put a ' ? ' there.
Also, the questions may have been worded differently from what I have used. This is what I could best scribble down while in the train back home. Paper 2 was very simple, and again quite short.